Формальное согласие, как правило, такими фразами: I completely (absolutely, totally) agree with you I couldn't agree more Exactly., absolutely. There is nothing more to add to this This is perfectly True. Эти фразы используются, если вы абсолютно согласны, и вам больше нечего добавить, однако, в случае, если вы хотите добавить еще что-то, то можно сказать: Well, I agree with you on the whole, but . I agree in principle with you that.; however. I can agree with you to a certain extent but . You definitely have the point here but I'd like to add that . I take your point, however it seems to me that . It is certainly reasonable, however . Если же беседа носит неформальный характер, то свое согласие можно выразить следующими фразами: I'm with you on this point I couldn't agree more Yes, absolutely (of course) Sure There's no doubt about it You bet! I think so too Несогласие в формальном языке, как правило, носит нейтральный характер, чтобы не обидеть собеседника и не привести беседу к конфликту: Do you really think so? I can't say I share your view on this. I feel I must disagree. I respect your opinion of course, but on the other hand. I wouldn't say that, really. Well, taking your point into consideration, I therefore must admit that . Taking your point I still can't help feeling that. I'm afraid, I disagree with you . I'm afraid I don't see it this way . To tell you the truth I have a different opinion. В неформальном общении присутствует большая эмоциональность, поэтому, если вы абсолютно не согласны с утверждением своих друзей вы можете сказать: Rubbish! Nonsense! You can't be serious! You must be joking (kidding)! No, no, it's not right. I disagree with you completely. Come off it! Для более мягкого несогласия используются фразы: I'm not sure you're right I'm not sure about that .. I agree up to a point but . You could be right but . But I thought . Yes, but . That's not how I see it .. That's another pair of shoes.